What Is A Cat’s Third Eye? Discover The Truth Now!

Animals have 2 eyelids on each eye, including humans. It is natural, but What is a cat’s third eye? is it natural having a third eye or third eyelid? Not actually. Cats and other mammals have extra eyelids. It is also called ‘Nictitating Membrance.’ Usually, the third eyelid or Nictitating Membrane isn’t visible. It always remains retracted. And, it is situated at the corners of both eyes and towards the centre of the face. If the third eyelid is visible, it is surely a sign of illness or injury. 

Some cat owners are not conscious of the third eye of cats. They don’t even know that cats may have a third eye. Humans don’t have a third eye. So, it is very natural that they’re not conscious of that. The third eyelid may appear within a short time. For example, a cat wakes up in the morning, and the third eyelid may be visible immediately. Sometimes it also retracts quite quickly. You should take your kitty to the veterinarian as soon as possible. 

The third eyelid of cats has a very important role in providing moisture to the eyeballs, and it also swipes away the dirt from the eyes. But it is supposed to be invisible. Something is wrong if it is visible and covers a little portion of the eyeballs. So, in a nutshell, a cat’s third eye is an invisible and retractable membrane located at the corners of the eyes and plays a very important role in keeping moisturized and cleaning cat’s eyes. 

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What is the role of your cat’s third eyelid?

As cats are very close to the ground. So, it is very much possible that dirt, dust, and other foreign objects can attack very easily to your cat’s eyes. The third membranous eyelid gives high-class protection to your cat’s eyes. The third eyelid works like the windshield of a car that removes dust, dirt, pollens, and other harmful objects. When a cat blinks, the third eyelid works as if it is shooting across the eye surface. 

The third eyelid also has an important role in saving your cat’s vision and reduces the risk of a sudden attack of any harmful objects into the cat’s eyes. The third eyelid also provides lubricants to your cat’s eyes. You know very well that if our eyes get dry, then it can lead to even blindness. So, providing lubricants and moisture is very much important for our eyes and cat’s as well. So, the third eyelid provides the important role of lubricant provider. 

 We, humans, don’t need any third eyelids because we are big and tall animals. We stay at a long distance from the earth’s ground. So, dust, dirt, and other foreign objects can’t do the same harm as can do to the other animals close to the earth’s ground. So, the third eyelid is a protective barrier to a cat’s eyes. 

Is it normal for cats to have the third eyelid ?

The normality and abnormality of the visible of the cat’s third eye depend on its causes. It is normal if the eyelid is visible for sleep or relaxation or for any genetic cause. When your cat is sleeping, if you look at his eyes from very near, then if you see that the third eye is leaning from his half-closed eyes, but as soon as he opens his eyes, the third eye is supposed to be disappeared. So, it is normal. But if the eyelid appears due to any injury, fighting, or other reason, and if it remains more than a few hours, then it is surely a problem a vet visit is mandatory. 

The causes of your cat’s third eyelid

Well, it is a very uncommon thing that a cat’s third eye appears. Since it is supposed to be hidden so, when it appears, there is something very abnormal and wrong. There are so many reasons that are responsible for cats protruding third eyes. Some third eyelids are white-coloured, and some appear with other colours. However, we should know why a cat’s third eyelid appears. 

  • Sleepiness or relaxed state:

When a cat is tired and sleepy, the third eyelid appears. It can appear during sleep time, and you may notice the third eyelid when your cat awakes. The eyelid is supposed to disappear as your cat awakes. If it doesn’t disappear, then it will be considered a problem.

  • Foreign bodies in the eyes: 

It is the simplest reason as your cat is very near to the earth’s ground, so foreign elements like dust, soil or dirt, small grass, sprinter or thorns, tiny stones, or any tiny bugs. So, protruding third eyelids occur when a cat’s eyes are at risk of those elements.

  • Injured:

Getting injured is the most common thing among animals; as you know that cats fight with other cats and dogs for many reasons. During the fighting, they can be injured and injured in their eyes. So, as an automatic mechanism to save the cat’s eyes, the third eyelids appear. 

  • Conjunctivitis (pink eyes):

One kind of eye disease. Bacteria, viruses, and allergies are responsible for this. You may see protruding third eyelids appears in Conjunctivitis, including watery eyes, redness, and discomfort. 

More causes of your cat’s third eyelid

  • Sedition or Anesthesia:

If your cat is given sedation or Anesthesia for any medical purpose, the third eyelid may appear due to excessive relaxation. It may appear for a few hours and should be vanished gradually. And, it is normal, but if the eyelid is visible even after 24 hours of the medication, it is a problem.

  • Cancer: 

It is the most dangerous reason. When your cat is getting Cancer, the third eyelid may appear to alert you about the danger to your adorable kitty.

  • Glaucoma:

The most dangerous disease for the eyes. Both humans and animals can become blind due to Glaucoma. It can swell in the eye, and the third eyelid may appear. 

  • Dehydration:

It is a potential cause of appearing third eyelid. Dehydration may even cause blindness if it remains for a long time. Dehydration may occur due to the lack of drinking water. If your cat isn’t drinking enough water for some days, the third eye appears to provide moisture and lubricants to relieve dehydration.

  • Corneal Ulcers: 

Cornea is a frontier part of an animal’s eyes. It covers the front of the eyes, iris, and pupils. Any kind of ulcer is a wound of a particular area and eyes. When corneal ulcers cause pain and inflammation in a cat’s eyes, the third eyelid appears. The ulcer can be for scratch, scrap, or picture wounds. So, if your cat is suffering from the disease, then vet help is essential.

  • Haw’s Syndrome: 

It isn’t a serious condition. Cats don’t get any health or eye problems with the Syndrome. If the third eyelid appears for this Syndrome, then take it normally. The reasons for Haw’s Syndrome are- viral infections, parasites, cat flu, and fatigue. 

another cause of your cat’s third eyelid

  • Cherry eye:

Cherry eye is more common in dogs but may also occur in cats. A cherry fruit-like appearance at the corner of the eyes. Swelling may occur, and the lacrimal gland of the third eye can be slid out from its place. For this reason, the third eyelid will be visible.

  • Upper respiratory infections (URI):

URI means infections in the Sinus, Throat, and Nasal areas. Cats get sick when bacteria and viruses attack that area, and the third eyelid becomes visible.

  • Uveitis:

The middle of the eyeball is called Uvia, which contains many blood vessels. The eyes become very red and get inflamed when Uveitis occurs. The inflammation of the Uvea is called Uveitis. 

  • Honrner’s Syndrome: 

When the nervous system of cats is warned that the cat has got injured and the third eyelid appears to protect the eyes, the causes of Horner’s Syndrome have been identified. The cat can be injured by hitting a vehicle, or any other animal can bite the cat’s neck, ear, or eye area. Some other reasons are- eye disease, tumours in the neck, chest, or brain, and infection in the middle neck area.

  • Eye worms:

Cats are experts in hiding problems. So, many problems may not be visible at the initial stage. Eye worms problem is the same. Thelazia Californiencis is a parasite that can infest the eyes of a cat. Cats can become sensitive to light and squinting. Many cat owners may not be aware of this problem. The treatment uses anti-parasite drugs. Eye swelling, redness, and irritation are the symptoms of the problem. So, when your cat faces the problem, the third eye appears. 

  • Feline tumour: 

Though this is a very rare condition, but not impossible, so I’m mentioning it. Lymphoma or Squamous cell carcinoma is responsible for that. The abnormal appearance of the eyes, inflammation, and discharge from the eyes are the symptoms if your feline friend has a tumour. So, the third eyelid can appear when the tumour grows around its eyes. Masses and cysts also can appear in this case. 

Treatment for a cat’s third eyelid

If your cat’s third eyelid appears without sleep, sedation, anesthesia, or relaxation, then it is definitely a problem. So, you must call your veterinarian for proper treatment. Don’t use any medicine or drop with out your vet’s advice.

There is no particular treatment for Nictating Membrane. The treatment depends on the cause of what you’re getting your cat to treat. If the eyelid keeps appearing for a long period, you must seek your vet’s help. If the eyelid is a serious issue and you haven’t treated your cat, it may turn serious. So, take the kitty to the vet as soon as possible. 

The vet can offer you the following: 

  • A complete medical history review of your cat.
  • An examination thoroughly the body.
  • The examination should be under the supervision of a vet Ophthalmologist.
  • Blood test. 
  • Test for any neurological disease.
  • CT scan or MRI.

The expected treatment for the third eyelid

There is no significant or hard or fast treatment for the cat’s third eyelid. It depends on the cat’s eye issue. The proper diagnosis is the main issue to proceed with the treatment. 


Never use human medications or eye drops for your cat’s treatment. Your motive is to help your cat, but your eye condition can worsen by doing so. Always listen to your veterinarian and do the correct. The vet will help to heal the wound at first.

Suppose your cat is suffering from Cancer. 2 options are effective in Caner- one is surgery, and the second is radiotherapy. Whatever the reason, the main motive of treatment is to remove Cancer. If your cat suffers from Hawk’s Syndrome, then it is not a matter to worry about. The situation will be better. Horner’s Syndrome is the same situation. You don’t need to be worried. The veterinarian may suggest Phenylephrine drops as medication if the eye condition worsens. 

In dehydration, your first and foremost duty is to provide your cat with a lot of water and wet food so that the lack of moisture problem can be sorted out. After that, you can take your kitty for treatment. Some kittens have a third eyelid protrusion genetically. So, if you notice a problem in your sweet kitten, take it to the vet without delay. 

The risks of the third eyelid of cats

The eyelid problem is not risky in most cases. The problem can be solved by proper vet treatment. Most cats have a nervous system problem. So, no worries. But the problem might be serious in some cases, and your cat can lose its vision. But you need not be worried because loss of vision rarely happens.

Should you be worried if your cat’s third eyelid shows no other symptoms? 

A cat’s third eyelid doesn’t need to show another symptom along with it. Sometimes the third eyelid is very natural; sometimes, it may be a sign of your cat’s potential health issue. You should be worried or not- it depends on the reason for the appearance of your cat’s third eyelid.So, you should be worried if the reason indicates any potential and serious health issue. 

If the third eyelid shows in just one eye:

It may happen to your cat that the third eyelid may show in any one eye rather than two. Well, the visibility of the third eyelid in one or two eyes is the same. If it happens for relaxing or napping and any genetic issue, then it’s normal. But if it occurs for any injury or disease, it can cause any potential disease. So, you have to be conscious that the eyelid appears in just one eye same as the two eyes. 

Some time ago, a cat owner told me that his cat’s third eye appeared in just one eye, and I suggested he take his kitty to take it to the vet, and now the kitty is fine.

How to prevent your cat’s third eyelid from showing?

There is no magical way to hide a cat’s third eyelid. You can’t demolish viruses, infections,s or injuries to retract the third eyelid. Some will say that keeping your kitty all-time indoors is the best way to prevent eyelids. Well, it may be effective, but as the problem rarely occurs, I will not suggest you keep your kitty indoors because it is unnecessary and harms your cat’s physical and mental health. The best way to prevent the third eyelid of your cat is to treat all the problems immediately as they arise.

All cat parents are not familiar with a cat’s third eyelid problem:

As humans don’t have third eyelid problems, many cat parents are unfamiliar with the cat’s third eyelid until it appears in their adorable kitty’s eyes. When a cat blinks, the first and second eyelids gather together. The third eyelid is retracted at the corner of the eyes and towards the face. So, many cat owners can’t see the third eyelid in a small pocket at the corner of the eyes. 

If you’re that kind of parent, when your cat sleeps or wakes up from a long nap, please look at their eyes corner. You’ll see the third eye. 

The spiritual connection with the cat’s third eye

There is no spiritual connection with the cat’s third eye. There are no cats with third 3 eyes. Besides, there is a retractable eyelid that remains hidden all time and may appear for many reasons- it is called the ‘cat’s third eye or cat’s third eyelid.’ it has another name- Nictitating Membrane. The third eyelid has so many functions and is common in all cats. 

Myths about cat’s third eye

Well, there are myths about third-eyed cats, and they’re called Cyclops cats. In some religious views, there are third-eyed gods and goddesses. In Hinduism, Buddhism, and other religion, there is a belief that third eyes can see those things that are not visible in 2 eyes. But there is no connection between these religious views and cats. Some sea animals have third eyes, but cats don’t have 3 eyes. 

Beliefs for cat’s third eye

There are so many beliefs about three-eyed cats in many countries. Such as- In Japan, three-eyed cats bring good luck and attract good people. In China, three-eyed cats are the symbol of prosperity, and the idols of three-eyed cats are gifted to brides and new business owners. In the West, three-eyed cats are considered as bad luck and companions of witches. 

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