Siamese Cat breed information : what you need to know in 2023

Well, the Siamese is a very unique and different look cat breed. There are 2 types of Siamese cats. One of them is traditional, and the other is extreme.

They’re the royal pets of Siam (Thailand). So, they were named according to their Homeland. A very different look set them apart from the other breeds.

Keep reading the article to know everything you should know about the Siamese cat. The seal-point Siamese cats are the oldest type.

Nowadays, there are so many types available. The seal point is a natural genetic mutation.

Breed specialties Of Siamese cat Breed,
Image by rihaij from Pixabay

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Breed specialties Of Siamese cat Breed:







Activity level and playfulness




Friendliness to other pets


Friendliness to children




Health issues


Grooming requirements




Amount of shedding




Traditional Siamese vs modern Siamese :

Siamese cats started becoming popular in the mid-1950s-1960s.

So, many reputed breeders and cat show judges started favoring a new version of the breed with a more slender look.

So, the initiative of selective breeding was taken and as a result, the long and fine-boned, and narrow-headed cats were born.

Thus the modern siamese was raised. The initiative continued and eventually, their looks were changed more. Their bodies became elongated, lean, and tubular, with slender legs, long and thin tails, long, large, and wedge-shaped heads, and wide-shaped ears.

Around the 1980s the traditional Siamese disappeared from the cat shows but still, some breeders of the UK breed traditional Siamese. So, 2 types of Siamese cats have been registered- traditional Siamese and modern show-style Siamese.

 Origin of the Siamese breed,
Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Origin of the Siamese breed:

The Siamese cats have a very glorious past. They came from Thailand.

Thailand’s ancient name was Siam. The Siamese were temple cats in Siam. The Thai people believed that their ancestor’s souls lived in the Siamese cats.

In Ayutthya Kingdom 1351 to 1767 AD). So, they were treated as the King and queen by the Siamese people. The cat book poem `Tamra Maew` illustrated and described the breed at first.

However, The Siamese cats made their way at the end of the 19th century. The breed was shown for the first time in a cat show held at the Cyrstal Palace in London, United Kingdom in 1871.

Foreign beauty conquered the heart of the British people. Later in 1884, Edward Blencue Gould – The British Consul General in Thailand gifted 2 Siamese cats to his sister in London.

The Siamese are a breeding pair, named Pho and Mia. The general’s sister Lilian Jane Gould fell in love so much with the pair and started a Siamese Cat Club in 1901.

The journey to the USA began in 1878. A diplomat of the USA was working in Thailand. He gifted a Siamese cat to the US president of that time Rutherford B. Hayes (1877-1881) and First lady Lucy Hayes.

The Americans also fell in love with the breed. The Siamese cats got recognition from The Fanciers Association in 1906.

So, the foreign journey of the Siamese began and soon they became a very adorable housemate both in UK and USA. They were used to create other breeds such as Ocicat, Himalayan, Burmese, Tonkinese, and Oriental breeds. The Siamese cats are also used to enhance Russian Blues in the USA.

The appearance of Siamese cat breed,
Image by Sue Rickhuss from Pixabay

The appearance of Siamese cat breed:

The Siamese cats don’t come in one shape. This majestic cat has two mainstream- extreme and traditional. They are medium in size and weigh 8-15 Pounds.

The coloration is the same as the two mainstream, just their body is different.

The traditional styles come with a medium to robust build and a pretty round head and wide-based ears that are big but not huge.

The extreme conformation has a slim and long body. The head is elongated and wedge-shaped, ears are huge and situated far apart.

Their face seems from the front to be a perfect triangle. The tails are very long and thin. The extremes got popularity in the 1950s, and till then the regular conformation was more adorable.

But nowadays the extremes are equally favorable. Their prominent eye color is always bright and intense Blue. Siamese cats have gorgeous coat coloration.

Their coat color is light either white or cream with dark extremities. This particular coloration is called `points`. The extreme conformations have multiple colors but they grant only the Seal, Chocolate, Lavender, and Blue.

The White color of the Siamese increases in warmer areas. They’ve crossed eyes and sometimes crooked tails. Isn’t it peculiar?

Temperament and nature Of Siamese cat breed:

The Siamese cats are intelligent, curious, playful, ambitious, confident, and extremely active and talkative. There are so many traits in them. They make bonds with their owners for a lifetime.

If a person doesn’t like chatty cats and is very busy then Siamese isn’t fit for him. They’re very dependent on people like toddlers.

They like to tell about the whole day as the owner steps at the door. They like it if you answer listen to them and answer. If you don’t do it then they will do a monologue. So, you’ll have to listen to them willingly or unwillingly. They need strong communication. Even they’ll give you company to take a bath or shower.

The cats are terrific vocals and meowers no doubt. You have to listen to them willingly or unwillingly.

Before adopting such a noisy cat think again can you cope with it? They’re not so cute in the matter of vocalizing.

They have a God gift that can awaken the dead. Your neighbors will also know that you have a pet. If you live in an apartment culture then I won’t recommend the noisy breed.

For this reason, they called the Meezers. They are so smart that they need stimulation. They’re very friendly with other pets if they’re also active. They give the company for a long time.

So, you can leave your pets alone for long hours if you have a Siamese. It is better to have 2 Siamese together instead of one.

Of course, if you can tolerate their meowing. The Siamese have a special connection with their siblings their whole life.

Siamese is very friendly with the dogs and becomes best buddies if stay for a long time. So, teach your dogs how to interact with the Cats.

Siamese Cat with Children

Siamese is more friendly with older children than babies. So, Supervise your children while playing with the Siamese until they get intimate with your kids.

Teach your children to behave respectfully with your pets. They’re as active and playful as the Bengal cats. They play with their owners with balls and feathers, and also like hide and seek. But this is not enough. You should arrange puzzle games, a hunting box, and interactive toys to feed their play hunger.

They need enough place for running. So, cat trees and tall shelves are a must. They’re outgoing cats, super hunters, and can defend themselves when attacked. They’re also very loyal and social.

Make good communication with the guests and strangers. Siamese cats are trainable. You can teach them new tricks and give them litterbox training. They’re very loyal- can do everything for their owners.

Caring, grooming, and exercise Tips for Siamese cat :
Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Caring, grooming, and exercise Tips for Siamese cat :

The Siamese are low-maintenance cats. No extra care and grooming is needed. Just keep in mind that they’re a very active and playful breed and can’t tolerate loneliness and ignorance.

So, engage them in playing, Arrange enough toys, and Give them attention and love. If you’re a very busy person, keep at least 2 Siamese in your house.

Otherwise, brushing their coats weekly once with a stainless steel comb is enough. Siameses are prone to periodical diseases.

So, their teeth need to be brushed with vet-approved toothpaste and brush and take your cat to the veterinarian for another dental cleaning.

Health and problems of Siamese Cat:

The Siamese is a very healthy breed and lives up to 20 years, in some cases more than 20 years. But your siamese have some health issues such as Amyloidosis (Liver disease), heart diseases, Asthma, dental issues, eye problems with crossed eyes, a Kinked tail, and some kinds of Cancers.

So, keep an eye on your pet and regularly take them to the Vet. Regular screening is very important to tress hidden diseases. Then appear in adulthood and in old age.

Once again, our lifestyle decides our lifespan and our pets as well.

Get health insurance for your lovable Siamese for emergencies.

Food and nutrition Tips for Siamese cat breed:
Image by Andreas Lischka from Pixabay

Food and nutrition Tips for Siamese cat breed:

The Siamese don’t have any special food and nutrition requirements. You can feed them as usual protein and nutrients.

Mixing of the dry and wet food and sufficient fresh and clean water is enough. Association of American Food Control Officials (AAFCO) approved and certified foods that are balanced and ideal.

Breed derived from the Siamese:

There are so many breeds derived from the Siamese cat breed:

  • Balinese
  • Bengal
  • Birman
  • Burmese
  • Havana Brown
  • Color Point
  • Himalayan
  • Javanese
  • Ocicat
  • Oriental Shorthair
  • Oriental Longhair
  • Savannah
  • Snowshoe
  • Thai cat
  • Tonkinese
  • Mekon Bontail (The Bobtail).

Fun facts about the Siamese cat breed

  • We already know that the Siamese is royal and presidential cats but they’re also movie stars. `The Incredible Journey, `The Lady and the Tramp`, and `The Darn Cat` are featured with a Siamese cat. In fact, the main character of the movie `The Darn Cat` is a Siamese cat, named DC.
  • Two real-life Siamese cats helped foil espionage in the 1960s. The two cats lived in the Dutch Embassy in Moscow, Russia. Suddenly they started scratching the wall. Their owner noticed that and realize that the cats were reacting to some noise that human ears can’t detect. He was right. 3O Microphones were discovered behind the wall.
  • There are also longhaired Siamese cats- they’re Balinese cats.
  • In Thailand, Siamese cats are also known as ‘Wichien matt’ which means ‘Moon Diamond.’

How to find a Siamese cat:

 How to find a Siamese cat:
Image by rihaij from Pixabay

Choosing a Siamese breeder: first you can contact local breeders to have a pet. If you can’t find them nearby then visit this organization’s website- National Siamese Cat Club, Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA), Fancier’s Breed Refferal List, and The International Cat Association (TICA).

Don’t be fooled by disreputable breeders. How can you identify them? Well, notice that-

  • Pets are always available to them.
  • Multiple litters are present on the premises.
  • They will encourage you to pay the bill by credit card and online.
  • They will promise you that their pets are 100% healthy but no animals can be like that.
  • They won’t provide any certificates and test results that they conduct on pets.

Adopt from a rescue organization: Siamese cats are rarely found in shelters but you can find them on websites like-

Siamese Cat Rescue Center,,, and NSCC rescue Page.

Don’t adopt a pet from those breeders who tell you that their kitty doesn’t have any health issues or doesn’t have adequate knowledge about pets.

Conduct a DNA test before adopting them. Don’t buy from a breeder that doesn’t give you a health guarantee certificate.

Always buy your pet from a breeder that follows the code of conduct such as not selling the kitties until they reach the age of 16 weeks.

In states with `Pet Lemon Laws`, make sure that your provider knows and obeys the law and always maintain very good contact with the providers r so that you contact them when you need.

Frequently Asked Questions and answers:

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