The Ultimate Guide to Raising Happy and Healthy Pixie Bob Cat

The Pixie Bob Cat is considered a naturally occurring cat breed. They do not emerge from any breeding programs. They resemble Bobcats. However, DNA tests were conducted to detect the gene of Pixie Bob cat but failed to see the bobcat marker genes. 

So, it is claimed that the Pixie Bobs are the progeny of naturally occurring Bobcat hybrids. The breed is considered fully domestic and there are no restrictions to having pixie Bobs for ordinary people. Observing the breed is guessed that pixie Bobs result from mating between American Bobtail cats, Feral Domestic cats, or Barn cats.

The breed originated in the USA and they come with a large and sturdy build and look like Bobcats. However, they’re large but very much eligible as domestic cats. They’re very friendly, affectionate, playful, and loyal making a very good pet even with children and other pets. 

Table of contents

About the Pixie Bob kittens

First of all, you need to know that has spent at least 16 weeks with their mother. These 16 weeks are very important for their socialization. After that, you need to know that the reputed and trusted breeders are able to demonstrate the lineage of their cats that is related to their origin. 

The brewers also offer you a health guarantee but they never claim that theri kittens are free of problems. 

There is a high chance for the tailless kittens to have problems in spinal structure and function. If you’re very interested to have a tailless kitten, then you should take the kitten to the veterinarian for a Pelvic x-ray to ensure that the kitten has any spinal deformity that can affect the development of the spinal cord. 

 You should check that a Pixie Bob kitten must be alert, curious, confident, and willing to interact with you with clear eyes. If you notice that the kitten is lethargic, not interested in their surroundings, and their eyes are blurred, that don’t purchase it. 

Breed specialty of Pixie Bob cat

Personality and characteristics: 

Intelligent, curious, easy-going, friendly, loyal, affectionate, and dependent.

Body size: 

 Medium to Large

Body length: 

20-24 inches

Body weight: 

Up to 17-pound and females can be up to 12 pounds.

Coat length: 

Both long and short

Coat colors: 

Brown with its all sheds.

Coat pattern: 

Tabby but there are small or medium-sized spots in the body. 

Eye color:

Green or Golden Brown

Breed specialty of Pixie Bob cats |

Interacting with children and other pets:

 very good.

Vocalizing tendency:


Need attention and dependency: 


Grooming requirements: 


Allergenic tendency: 

For some people it is allergenic.

Life circle:

Up to 15 years


United States 

Are Pixie Bob good pets? 

When you bring a pet into your home then it becomes a challenge to make a good relationship with the cat. The expenses are also a factor. But when the relationship works out then it becomes a reward for you and your family. Right? 

So, you will be rewarded for the pixie Bobcat after some time you have brought it to your home. Pixie bob is an Intelligent, curious, easy-going, loyal friendly, and affectionate cat breed. They’re very much friendly with the children even if they’re naughty. They don’t have any issue with sharing their home with other pets and even small animals they can eat easily. 

The best thing is they don’t feel shy with strangers and guests. They are so loyal that they will greet you at the door just like the dogs when you’ll return home. Your eyes will be chilled to see such a stunning-looking furry friend to see. They can be a very good companion for lonely people as they’re very affectionate and want to be with their families most of the time. So, the Pixie Bobs are definitely good pets. 

Origin of the Pixie Bob cat

Though it is said that Pixie Bob is a naturally occurring breed there is a human contribution to developing the breed. There was a breeder, named Carol Ann Brewer, who purchased a unique male cat with spotted coats, Bobtail, and very unusual polydactyl paws (5 paws) near Mount Baker Wahington D.C. 

It was 1985. In January 1986, she adopted another male Bobcat. The Bobcat was exceptionally big that it was reaching Carrol’s knee. The Bobcat is 17 pounds in weight. 

There was a rumor that the male bobcat mated with a neighbor’s Brown-spotted female cat. The result was a female kitten. Carrol named the cat ‘Pixie’. After 1 year, when Pixie became sexually mature then Carrol started a breeding program with Pixie. So, Pixie was the Foundation cat of the breed- Pixie Bob. 

Origin of the Pixie Bob cats |

In the next couple of years, Carrol used 23 cats in her breeding program to establish the new breed around the nearby cascade range. The cats that she used were Bobcats and Domestic cats. She named the breed ‘Pixie Bob’ to honor the foundation female cat. 

She also coined the term’Legend cat’ to make a trademark in the USA. Other breeders in the USA are cooperating with Carrol. They were working with distinctive wild-looking Barn cats and mating them with domestic cats to establish a broad genetic base and develop the breed- Pixie Bob. 

Carrol and other breeders became successful. The new Pixie Bob breed got recognition from The International Cat Association (TICA) and the American Cat Fancier’s Association (ACFA). The breed got exhibition status from TICA in 1993. The Pixie Bob breed got a promotion to ‘New Breed and color’ status IN 1996 and eventually got championship status in 1998. 

The Pixie Bob was classified as a ‘Native New breed’ by TICA in the initial stage but recognized as a separate and independent breed later. However, Frank Ditto attempted to patent the Pixie bob in 1999 but the United States Patent and Trade Mark Office rejected the application. Frank Ditto appealed against the rejection and the rejection got upheld. 

The breed standard of the Pixie Bob

The breed standard of pixie Bob is documented by the official bodies of –

  • Standard of LOOF (Livre Official des Origines Felines). 
  • Standard of AFC (Association Feline Candien).
  • Standard of TICA (The International Cat Association.)

The appearance of the Pixie Bob cat breed

Well, the Pixie Bobs come with large, stocky, Pear-shaped bodies. They resemble Norhth-American Bobcats. They are usually large-bonded, muscular, and massive. Males are as usual larger than females. 

Their shoulder is wide and there is a hole in the center of the shoulder. When they walk the hole look at Bob’s cats. The body has a hollow near the belly that ends at the hips. 

Their heads are specially Peer-shaped and the ears are covered with hairs. They are tipped a medium in size. Sometimes the ears show lynx-point with mutton chop-like sideburns. The muzzle is large with round whisker pads and their noses are Red, big, and wide. The chins have white fur but there are Black furs under the chin. Their eyes are triangular and the brow is heavy and furry. The eye colors are either Green or Golden Brown. 

The appearance of the Pixie Bob cat breed |

They are both long and shorthaired but nowadays the coat length is not exceeded 5 cm with all sheds of Brown color. The coat pattern is mainly Tabby but there are small and medium-sized spots all over the bodies; especially on the belly area. Their body length is 20-24 inches and their body weight is up to 17 pounds. 

The coats are double with Brown and Grey color with all the sheds of both colors. The undercoat is Gery and the upper coats are Brown. The coats change according to the season. In Winter, the coats became very dense so that they can endure the cold and when Spring comes, the coats become less dense and spots on their coats are visible at that time. They coat molts and get ready for the Summer. As they are bobcats so their tails are not more than 2 inches to hock length when the legs are in an extended position. 

Now, let’s talk about their toes and legs. The Pixie Bobs have medium-sized legs proportionate to the body. Their legs are also well-muscled and strong that are holding their body. Their paws have Black skin and furs at the bottom. 

The Pixie Bobs is one of the rare polydactyl cat breeds. Polydactyly means having unusual paws. Normally, cats have 5 fingers maximum but the Polydactyl cats have 6 or 7 fingers for each paw. The Pixie Bobs stop growing at the age of 4. 

Temperament and nature of the Pixie bob cat

The pixie Bobs are known as highly intelligent, social, active, playful, friendly, affectionate, loving, and adorable. They are not vocal cats but chirp, meow, and growl when they need. 

Don’t be misled to see its wild look. They are very sociable and friendly cats. With an affectionate and docile character, they are loyal like the dogs in many ways. 

They’re outgoing but very much eligible for families with children and other pets. They like to be at the center point of the family and participate in every occasion. 

And, they don’t hesitate to keep their opinion but with a sweet chirping. They don’t make a noise. Besides, they don’t feel shy to talk and interact with the guests and strangers that come to the house. They greet the guests and strangers at door and stay at the center of them till the guests stay there.

The Pixie Bob is an active and playful breed but not like the Bengal cats or Savanah cats. They’re outgoing but at the same time, they like to cuddle in their favorite person’s lap and stay with the surrounding of their families. They also like to take several cat naps all in a day. They are the cats for chidrens and other pets.

the company of children and other pets and never became mischievous and aggressive. Thigh the children or any other pet irritate them, they can handle the situation with great patience. But you don’t need to free your children and toddlers with any animal as they have sharp teeth and nails and those are toxic. Always supervise the time that your children spend with animals until they become at least 12 years old. 

Not only that they share their home and territory with other animals like other cats, dogs, and even birds, hamsters, and mice. But one thing you should remember is that if you meet your Pixie Bob with your children and other pets in their childhood then it will be the best way for the Pixie Bob’s socialize. 

However, when your Pixie Bob becomes an adult and you have brought a new pet into the house then introduce them gradually to avoid problems. If you bring a cat into the house then please bring a cat-friendly dog so that the dog can develop a good relationship with the cats residing in your house including Pixie.

The pixie Bobs are not fond of loneliness and can’t be left for long hours. They are also outgoing and love adventure but I don’t recommend leaving them out alone. You better take them for a walk with a leash. 

The Pixies are so smart that you can train them to walk on a leash. They are also eligible for travel. You can take them on a trip. They won’t be unforgettable with that. 

Cats are not very much friendly with water but pixie Bob is a different breed like the Bengal cat. As the Bengals love to swim and play with water, the Pixies are the same. They also like water. It proved that Pixie Bob has wild ancestry. Pixie Bobs like to stay in the same room with their owners and follow them across the house. 

The Pixies also like to give heat buts their owners. They also like climbing and watching the outer world sitting on a tall and sunny window. They like to chase and learn new tricks and training.

In addition to that, they are also capable to understand some words. So if you call them by their names and command them about the do’s and don’t, they’ll definitely understand and do as you command. 

Caring, grooming, exercising, and training for the Pixie Bob cat

You can take care of a Pixie Bob properly by feeding and and grooming the cat on a regular basis. You should also keep the pixie Bob happy and healthy with the trips to the vet and daily attention. 


Brush the cat’s coat on a weekly basis. Pixie Bob can have long and short coats. Either way, they’re easy to groom and require combing or brushing on a weekly basis. You may use a grooming brush to give the cat a light brushing once a week to maintain its coat. Brush your cat’s entire coat from head to tail. Most cats enjoy the brushing session with their owner to make a bond between them. 

Trim their nails. You should also trim the nails so that they can’t get too long. Nails that are too long can end up carrying bacteria and increase the risk of infection. You can use a special tail trimmer or a small nail trimmer. To keep the cat calm during the nail trimming, you can put a clean towel on its head if the cat allows it. 

Then hold the cat on your lap keeping the towel on its head and trim its nails. You can also keep a nail cap to protect your nails and prevent them from getting too long. You should also provide them with a scratching pad as all cats love to scratch and it is a part of their playing. Scratching is a good idea to keep the nails short. 

Check their ears and you should do it weekly. The ear checking is very important for a cat’s health. You may squeeze in an ear check at the end of the brushing session when they’re relaxed and calm. Look for any sign of redness inside the ears or on the ear flap. 

You should also if a bad odor is coming from their ears. This is a sign of infection. If the cat ears look dirty then use a wet cotton ball or animal ear cleanser to clean the ears. If you have a doubt that the ears of your cat got infected then bring them to the vet immediately. 

Brush their teeth at least with one day gap. As tooth brushing is a part of their grooming so you should use cat toothpaste and toothbrush. Don’t use human toothpaste as the cats can’t spit, they will swallow the toothpaste. So, cat toothpaste is a wise choice. 

Brushing your cat’s teeth on a consistent basis can ensure that their dental health is good and that they’ve fresh breath. You should make use of to cat to be brushed at the early stage. 

Schedule a monthly visit to a professional groomer. If you feel overwhelmed about doing all the grooming for your cat yourself, you may bring your cat to a professional groomer. Look for a groomer who has worked for Pixie Bob cats previously. You can also take recommendations from your friends. 

A professional groomer can ensure that your cat looks clean and healthy on a regular basis. If you find professional grooming expensive then you may bring your cat several times a year or before a big event such as a cat show or when you’re going for a trip. 

Caring, grooming, exercising, and training for the Pixie Bob cat |

Pixie Bob cat Caring

To keep your cat happy and mentally healthy give your cat regular love and attention. Like most cat breeds, pixie Bobs respond well to daily attention and affection from their owner. Take the time to pet and scratch your cat at least once a day. You may also spend time snuggling the cat on the couch or on your bed to show your affection. 

You should have at least one play session weekly to show your love and attention to the cat. Provide with them their favorite interactive toys. They like to chase. So, toy mice and balls will be the best.

The Pixie Bobs also like climbing. So, a tall cat tree is a must. They also love to watch the outer world. So, if there is a high place so that they can watch the birds or people, then, they’ll be happier. You also should take them for a walk as they’re outgoing cats. 

Pixie Bob cat Exercise

The playing session is the best exercise for all cats. So, engage your Pixie Bob with play sessions on a regular basis. Maybe you’re busier than anyone from your family can play with the cat. Provide all facilities that your Pixie can play. If your stay in a calm and quiet area, you can leave your cat outside alone daily for some time but if you live in a busy area the outing should be under supervision.

Pixie Bob cat Training

All cats need the same training. So, train your Pixie Bob cat to listen to you and respond by calling their names, litter box training, which is very important, and leash training. The Pixie Bobs are so smart and intelligent that they’re willing to learn something new and they also understand some words. So, training them is an easier task.  

Living needs of a Pixie Bob cat

The living needs of Pixie Bob cats are limited. You don’t have to arrange so many things for to them be happy and healthy. Just they need a high-quality feline diet, a lot of love and attention from you and your family, some toys, tall cat trees, and a regular vet check-up. They also need mental stimulation like an outing. So, you have to let them out daily for some time and engage them in playing to keep them busy. 

Health and problems of Pixie Bob cat

The Pixie Bob is generally a healthy breed as they’re a naturally occurring breed. They don’t have such problems that the crossed cat breeds have. But as you know that no animals are free from health problems so the pixie Bob has some common health issues. 


It is a condition of male Pixie Bob cats when a male Pixie has a lack of testicles in the Scortum. 

Complications in the Birth time (Dystocia): 

Some female Pixie Bobs have difficulties giving normal birth to their kittens. They need veterinary support to give birth and if the gets more critical then a surgical delivery may occur. 

Problems with getting vaccinated: 

The problem isn’t seen in all Pixie Bobs. some Pixies are sensitive to vaccination and some side effects may be seen. 

Obesity and Diabetes:

It is a very common problem among cats especially, those cats having stocky bodies like Pixie Bobs. The lack of physical activities and overfeeding cause obesity and obesity causes Diabetes. When the calorie and sugar can’t burn that is deposited in our bodies then it turns into Diabetes. 

So, be careful about the feeding habit of your cat. Don’t feed them too much and engage them in physical activities so that they can’t go obese.

More Health and problems of Pixie Bob cat

Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD):

This is another very common problem among cats. The Pixie Bobs and Manx cats are very much Prone to FLUTD. This problem is more common among tailless cats because they’ve nerve damage problems and the damaged nerves can’t control the Bladder muscles. 

This problem can be seen after a few weeks of birth. Sometimes it can be seen later even in the sunset years of cats’ lives. When you see that your cat is urinating out of the litter box that means it can’t control urine. So, the condition is serious, and you shouldn’t make delay taking your kitty to the veterinarian.


It is a congenial inherited health issue and causes spinal malformation. When the Colon doesn’t receive sufficient stimulation and doesn’t have a connection with the nerves. The nerves send signals when wastes of the body need to be passed. So, it can cause chronic constipation. When you notice a lack of appetite in your cat and are not using the litter box properly, you should investigate the situation. 

Can the taillessness become any problem for Pixie Bobs?

Taillessness can create some health problems in cats’ lives but they’re not life-threatening problems. Only spinal issues can be created. Such as-

Manx Syndrome: 

When the Syndrome causes a change in the Spinal Cord and the problem is the Virtebra and Nervous may get into problems of elimination and control of the hind limbs. It is one kind of Arthritis. The mutation of the gene damage the lower spine and it is known as Manx Syndrome. 

Spine Bifida:

All tailless cats have a gene mutation in their bodies. In this condition, the cats are born with shortened tails or tailless because the gene that is responsible for the shortened tails or taillessness is dominant. Only one shortened or tailless cat parent is enough to pass the unusual gene to its offspring. 

Congenial Vertebral Malformation: 

 It is another tail-related problem among cats. It is one kind of spinal deformity. Its other name is Sacrocaudal Dygenesis. There is another problem between tailless cats and this is Fecal Incontinence. 

The lifespan of Pixie Bob cat 

The Pixie Bob cats usually live up to 15 years if they live indoor lives. In some cases, they can live up to 18 years if very good care is taken of them. 

Shedding amount of Pixie Bobs: 

The Pixie Bobs are not heavy shedders. Their shedding isn’t a problem for the owners and their families. Though they come with both long and short hair they shed a little. Their furs molt in the Spring season and grow again before the Winter. 

Food and nutrition tips for the Pixie Bob Cat breed

It is eternal truth for all animals that food and nutrition are a very important part of their happiness and health even though humans are different from the them. So, if you keep happy your Pixie then feed them high-quality food. 

Provide with them high-quality dry and canned food. Pixie Bobs are not fussy about their diet. They don’t have any feisty if you provide a mixture of dry and canned food. All cats are carnivorous. So, you may also serve them cooked meat but remove the bones before you serve cooked meat them. 

Continue the high-quality brand food as long as possible. As this will ensure they get used to the food and can digest it easily. Remember one thing you shouldn’t change your cat’s food pattern suddenly. If you want to change it then it should be changed slowly. If your cat is a poor drinker then you must mix wet food into your cat’s diet. 

Food and nutrition tips for the Pixie Bob breed |

You can take the recommendation of the veterinarian about the food and nutrition of your adorable Pixie. And, you also have to provide fresh water for the cat. You better provide clear and fresh water in a Porcelain or Ceramic bowl. Fill the water bowl with fresh and clean water every day. You can add a fountain or bubble maker so that your cat gets attracted to drink more.

Never provide your kitty cow’s milk as cow’s milk is for cows and humans. Cats can’t digest cows’ milk. Maintain a regular feeding schedule. Fix a time to feed your Pixie. You can fix a written food schedule on the wall so that you can see it and the routine is maintained. Regulating your cat’s meal will also ensure that they do not hungry. If they get hungry then they can become mischievous and bother you for the food. 

More tips for the Pixie Bob Cat breed

Never share your plate with your cat because doing this is not good for the cat’s health and they may get obese. Always feed your cat according to the measurement cup. If you feed whimsically them then they’ll become obese and obesity cause to Diabetes. 

Remember to feed them according to their age and activity level. A kitten and an older cat will never eat the same amount of food. Kittens eat ⅘ times in a day, adult cats eat 3 times and for older cats 2 times are ideal but if they require then 3 times will be ok. 

You also can use a food dispenser that dispenses the cat’s food on a timer. This is more suitable for those cat owners who are out of the home for a long time as they so a full-time job or travel more. The food dispenser will ensure the feeding of theri cats. 

Some interesting and fun facts about Pixie Bob cats

  • Pixie Bobs make different types of sounds like chipping, growling, and chattering. They seldom meow. 
  • The Pixie Bob is not a planned breed. They are not bred like other hybrid cats. There are so many Barn cats and domestic cats crossed and the new breed was raised. 
  •  The founder cat of the pixie Bob breed was a female cat, named Pixie. She was the offspring of a male bobcat and a Brown-spotted female cat.
  • The International Cat Association (TICA) considered the Pixie Bob as a ‘Native New Breed’ initially but later it got recognition as a separate breed. 
  • Pixie Bob cats are born with bobtails. That means, the Bobtail comes with them, they don’t occur later. 
  • Pixie bobs are polydactyl cats and this is their show requirement. Polydactyl means having tows more than 5. Other cats have 5 toes in the front legs and 4 legs in the back legs. The International Cat Association (TICA) allows up to 7 toes for the shows. Polyacetylene is an advantage only for the Pixie Bob breed. 
  • The spots are on Pixie Bob’s bodies, not on their furs. If you shave these cats, you’ll see the spotty skin. 
  • They are dog-like cats. That means they are capable to learn tricks like dogs. They’ll respond by calling their name and they also can understand some words. 
  • The Pixie Bobs look wild but amazing household cats.
  • Though the ancestors of Pixie Bob cats were Barn cats there are no harmful wild traits is left on the Pixies.
  • Pixie Bobs are famous for their patients and easy-going temperament. 
  • The breed is laid-back and playful at the same time. 
  • Pixie Bobs are ideal for first-time owners who have never owned a cat as a pet. 

How to identify a Pixie Bob cat

You have to study a lot when you’re going to have a pet. If you study then you’ll get to know about the identifying tips of any pet and the Pixie Bobs as well. There are 3 methods of identifying the Pixie Bob cat breed.

How to identify a Pixie Bob cat |

Identifying Pixie Bob cat by their size and weight

The Pixie Bobs are medium to large in size and they resemble wild bobcats. They have large, muscular, browny, and stocky bodies with 17 pounds (7.7 kilograms) of weight and 24 inches in length. 

Identifying Pixie Bob cat by their facial hairs and colors

Of course, they resemble wild bobcats with some other facial traits. Such as- 

  • The Pixie Bob breed has lynx tips on their ears.
  • Theri face hairs are alongside their faces and the sideburns are like mutton chops. 
  • The Pixie Bobs have mascara lines that run from the  eye corners to the cheeks. 

Identifying Pixie Bob cat by their coats

They come with both long and short coats but short coats are more available than long ones. The coat pattern is mainly Tabby but there are small and medium-sized spots all over the bodies; especially on the belly area. The coats are double with Brown and Grey color with all the sheds of both colors. The undercoat is Gery and the upper coats are Brown. You’ll get their coats soft, thick, and wooly. 

Identifying Pixie Bob cat by their short tails

The most distinctive body trait of Pixie Bob cats is their bobtails or short tails. They have bushy, soft, furry, and half-long tails. Usually, bobcat tails are Inches long but there are also have exceptions. Bob cat’s tails can be kinked or even knotted. 

Identifying by extra toes

Cats having toes more than 5 are called polydactyl cats. The Pixie Bobs are very special among them because Pixie Bobs are supposed to be polydactyl to participate in shows and competitions. 

observe the Pixie Bob cat personality

The Pixie Bobs are not loud and noisy cats. They even seldom meow. And, they never bother their owners for food or something else. They chirp, purr, and growl They lift up their paws instead of making noise to have your attention. 

Pixie Bob cat have dog-like behavior

If your cat behaves like doges such as agreeing to walk on a leash or harness, if you are successful to teach your cat fetching, and if it lounges over the house and stays around their family- then it is a Pixie Bob.

Look at Pixie Bob Cat affectionate behavior

The Pixie Bob is a very loyal, loving, and affectionate cat breed. They are also laid back and love to spend some time daily on their favorite person’s lap. Else they will also wait for their owner at the door when it is time for their return, they sit or stand beside you, sleep on your bed, or on the couch. 

They love to stay at the center point of all. They are also very sociable. Besides, they don’t feel shy in front of guests or strangers. The Pixies greet them at the door.

Receiving help from the professional and reference materials

The veterinarians are professional and experienced persons on cats. They have worked a lot on cats and they have substantial experience with cats. So, ask the vet how can you identify a Pixie Bob. 

You can show the pictures to the vet before purchasing or adopting. Some veterinarians give an appointment to recognize the breed. In that case, you can take an appointment over the telephone or talk to the vet’s office to know the appointment policy. 

You also talk to a Pixie Bob breeder. The breeders are very much familiar with the related breed. So, you can talk to a reputed Pixie Bob breeder to help you with the cat you want to have or already have. 

You also receive help from cat associations. There are so many national and international cat associations. They are dedicated to cats. If anyone can’t recognize the breed of his or her cat then The International Cat Association (TICA) will help them. 

There are some companies that test the pet’s DNA. You can be sure about whether your cat is a Pixie Bob or not. Just send the swab of your cat’s cheek and send it to the company. They’ll send you the test result. 

Don’t pursue them to send the result. Keep patience. Sometimes it takes time to get an accurate result. Find a company that has a large database of testing DNA. 

The last but not least step is to educate yourself about Pixie Bob cats. Search on the internet, and read pet journals and books that are written on cat breeds. 

The Pixie Bob is a new breed and wasn’t discovered till 1985. The cats are native to the northwest USA. The DNA test can’t define its origin as it wasn’t crossed by any breeding program. 

Male Vs Female Pixie Bob cat

The difference between male and female in every animal is a divine discipline. So, it is true about the Pixie Bob cats as well. The differences are seen mainly in physical traits. The male Pixies come with up to 17 pounds of weight whereas the females can be the highest 12 pounds. A distinctive difference indeed!

Both male and female Pixie Bobs get sexually matured at the age of at least 5 months. When the hormone sends the signals to the cats they can spray their urine to mark their territory or any potential mate they can feel. 

To avoid unexpected kittens and sexually transmitted diseases, sterilize your cat before 6 months of age whether it is male or female. The female Pixie Bobs are better hunters than the male Pixies. 

Male cats are more affectionate, sociable, and lovable. Especially, male Pixie Bobs are comfortable with a big family and even with strangers. Females may feel shy with strangers and selective in this matter but are still more sociable than other breeds. 

Breed overview of the Pixie Bob cat

The polydactyl Pixie Bob breed occurred naturally. It is not a planned breed by a breeding program. Though Pixie Bob has a founder cat, named Pixie and the breed is named after the cat’s name even DNA tests can’t stress its gene history. 

However, pixie Bobs are medium to large cats with wild looks and stocky bodies. Their body length is up to 24 inches and male cats can be up to 17 pounds and females can be up to 12 pounds.

They can be both longhaired and shorthaired but the shorthaired version is more common. The coat color is Brown with its all sheds and the coat pattern is Tabby but there are small or medium-sized spots in the body, especially on the belly area. 

They have more than fingers on their toes. That’s why, they’re called Polydactyl cats. Not for all breeds, but the polydactyl trait gives the breed an advantage and this is they must have more than five toes to participate in any shows and championship. The lifespan of Pixie Bobs is up to 15 years. The Pixie Bob breed originated in the USA. 

Tips for Pixie Bob cat

Pixie Bobs are rare cats. They are not very much available. So, you better contact the breeders to get an original Pixie Bob. there are cat associations that publish a list of reputable and trusted breeders. You can check the websites of The International Cat Association (TICA), and The American Cat Fancier’s Association (ACFA). 

The Cat shows are another great source for getting your desired Pixie Bobs. Search the website of and you’ll get information about Pixie Bob cats. 

Though the Pixie Bobs are not so easy to get in the shelters or rescues you can take a look if a Pixie Bob needs a new home. Check the websites of,, and There are so many rescue centers near you. Also, check out there.

Pixie Bob cat and kitten for sale

You may search the websites at

Pixie Bob cats Califonia: 

There are some agents special for California states, USA. if you are residing in California and want to purchase Pixie Bob cats then contact- Special Agent, Native Dream Pixie Bob, Jungle Mountain Exotics. 

Frequently Asked Questions

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