Himalayan Cat Breed Information: what you need to know in 2023?

If you’re a cat lover, then you may love an adorable breed named the Himalayan cat. Its eye-soothing white beauty with longhair can charm you.

It coats like a teddy bear. It was created by the interbreeding of Siamese cats and Persian cats. But what’s the connection with the Himalayan Mountain? It is considered a variety of Persian acts in Europe and as a breed in the USA.

It needs special care to maintain its beauty and splendor. Curious to know? Then read the whole article.

Breed Specialty of Himalayan cat: Catplanning.com
Photo by Moinul Hossain Mukul: https://www.pexels.com/photo/cat-with-blue-eyes-15395216/

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Breed Specialty of Himalayan cat:

Nickname/ Other names

Himmy, Tinker toy, Colorpoint Persian

Personality traits:

Very intelligent, friendly, affectionate to their human family, calm, gentle, and a sedative adorable puss.


7 to 12 Pounds


12 to 16 inches, Females can be up to 14 inches.

Coat color

White to Cream

Eye color


Coat length


Coat patterns

Pointed marking. May have a variety of colors such as Chocolate, Seal, Blue, and Red.

Living time

Up to 15 years

Allergy tendency

Not any issue for adopting.

The breed hails from


Breed Specialty of Himalayan cat:catplanning.com
Image by Michelle Raponi from Pixabay

Well, the history of the Himalayan is not so old- it’s around 100 years and not so interesting. The breed is the result of the interbreeding of Persian and Siamese cats.

Between 1920- 1930, breeders worldwide wanted a mixture of the Persian body and The Siamese markings. So as they thought, they did.

In 1935, two medical researchers at Harvard University cross-bred a black Persian male cat and a female Siamese cat.

The researchers wanted to record the inheritance of the genetic characteristics. The final version didn’t come at first. The two dogs gave birth to some kittens, but the researchers didn’t consider them the perfect version.

Then sometime later, they accepted the perfect breed from the cat couple and gave his name `Newtons Debutant”.

Thus, the journey of the Himmys began .

World War II slowed the breeding process. There was an American breeder named Margie Goforth who continued the breeding between Persian and Siamese, and her attempts got successful in 1957.

The Cat Fanciers Association (CFA) and the Amerian Cat Fanciers Association (ACFA) recognized them as a hybrid.

After several years, CFA recognized them as a completely separate breed rather than a variation of the Persian breed.

But still, now, some organizations do not recognize it as a separate breed, but it isn’t a big issue. Himmys conquered the heart of cat lovers.

Appearance of Himalayan cat:

Appearance of Himalayan cat:Catplanning.com
Photo by Tranmautritam: https://www.pexels.com/photo/photo-of-cat-lying-on-bed-2064780/

The Himalayan breed has got a very funny appearance because of inter-breeding. Their Head, face, and legs are black, and the rest of the body is either white or cream-colored.

When their Blue eyes glaze at you inside the Black face, they may not seem cute and sweet, but a wild vibe may be felt in you.

It’s a tiny cat. They have smooshed faces, luxurious coats, thick legs, and color points. They have short heads and flat faces.

They’re wearing a fluffy and long coat. They have big floating eyes and short noses. In fact, the face is small in proportionate to the body. Their legs are also very short. A bushy tail isn’t so big and long.

Temperament and nature of Himalayan cat:

They’re a very sweet, calm, gentle, affectionate, and laid-back cat and the most popular also. They won’t make you mischievous but love to play with your favorite toys like catnips and mice.

They love to spend time and participate in every family matter. They’re very friendly with children, other cats, and cat-friendly dogs.

They’re not so boisterous but can adjust to a good environment and a family. They love to greet their owners from the door and get easy with the guests as very sociable cats.

They don’t vocalize a lot; only when they need something or your attention do they meow.

Caring, grooming, and exercise tips fo Himalayan cat:

Caring, grooming, and exercise tips fo Himalayan cat: Catplanning.com
Photo by Pixabay: https://www.pexels.com/photo/adorable-animal-basket-breed-208773/

The Himmy is a high-maintenance breed because of its long fur, as the fur is fluffy and beautiful, so it needs special care.

If you’re thinking about a Himalayan, you need to know about their caring.

Care of beauty: their long and dense coat 3 times brushing in a week or daily 5 minutes brushing. To avoid knots and intake of fur by the cat itself, brush it regularly and cut off the extended hairs.

Care of the eyes: You must take care of their Blue and beautiful eyes. Wipe their eyes with a ball of clean cotton or gauze.

You can use the Saline solution as a cleaner or Lukewarm Cammomoil Tea.

Get them a bath once a week with a mild shampoo. As they have a dense coat, so bathing is a must. Get them dry with a hair drier and The Sun heat.

Brushing teeth, trimming their nails, and a visit to the

veterinarian after every 6 months are a must.

Special products: Arranging scrapers, beds, hair brushes, and toys are not needed to be mentioned. They enjoy the grooming session.

They don’t need much exercise.

Health and problems of Himalayan cat:

Health and problems of Himalayan cat: Catplanning.com
Photo by Omar Ramadan: https://www.pexels.com/photo/curious-purebred-cat-with-gray-muzzle-6563627/

The Colorpoint Persian cat has some common health issues:

Polycystic Kidney disease (PKD): When some Systs grow on pets Kidney, it is called PKD. It is not immediately life-threatening, but if steps aren’t taken, then the Kidneys may get failed.

Respiratory issues: The Himmys often suffer from respiratory issues because of their flat faces. Difficulty in breathing, swallowing, and inactivity are the signs of the disease.

Feline Asthma: If you notice that your Himmy is getting sick continuously because of coughing and gasping, then it is a matter of worry, and it is a very serious problem.

Retinal Atrophy: It may cause blindness. If your kitty’s eyes get blurred, you must take it to the vet.

Food and nutrition tips for Himalayan Cat Breed:

Cats need plenty of protein and 41 different types of nutrients. The difference is in just the amount and times.

As the Himalayan cats are not very active and playful so feed them twice a day in adulthood and old age and 3 times in childhood. Use a measuring cup for proper food measurement.

Fun facts about Himalayan cat Breed:

Fun facts about Himalayan cat Breed:Catplanning.com
Photo by Matheus Bertelli: https://www.pexels.com/photo/attentive-purebred-cat-with-fluffy-fur-sitting-on-grass-7410722/
  • The Himmys a movie stars. They have played a role in `The Incredible Journey` and `Lost in San Francisco,` Sassy in the popular ’90s Homeward Bound Movies, and Mr. Jinx in the comedy hit ‘Meet the parents.
  • The Puss was seen on the cover page of Martha Stewart Living Magazine. Martha Stewart had several Himmys. 3 of them- Beethoven, Mozart, and Bartok reached the cover page.
  • Colonel Meow set the Guinness record in 2012 because of having the longest hair.
  • World’s smallest cat was Tinker Toy- A Himalayan. Its height was 2.75 inches, and its length was 7.5 inches.
  • They love children very much very and are attached to their families.
  • They’re the total Divas in the cat world for their stunning look and nature.

Breed Overview of Himalayan Cat Breed:

Breed Overview of Himalayan Cat Breed: catplanning.com
Photo by Matheus Bertelli: https://www.pexels.com/photo/gray-siamese-cat-sitting-on-grass-7410721/

Himmy’s coloring is like the Siamese breed, and their face and bodies are like the Persian breed. They’re hybrid cats. A cat breed that is selective with their affection.

That means they don’t love everyone equally. They love the people that they trust and feel comfortable with.

The big blondies and large furs made them charming and adorable. They need controlled nutrition to stay healthy. They’re very intelligent, tricky, and fun lovers.

Where to adopt a Himalayan cat:

There are so many adoption websites where you can find your adorable Himalayan cats, such as petfinder.com. But be aware of mix-bred cats.

If you want a purebred pet, then you have to be patient in your searches.

You also can search for some organizations’ websites like the Cat Fancier’s Association (CAT). They published a list of reputable and reputed breeders. Besides, you also can go to cat shows where many kinds of breeds are shown off for adoption.

Name suggestions for your Himalayan Cat:

Rapunzel, Cher, Clyde, Cob, Ginny, Maggie, Sterling, Frida, Georgia, Wagner, Wolfgang, Chopin, etc.

Cons of Himalayan cats:

The Himalayan parents complain to me that their Himmys are very quirky and cranky by nature.

Not suitable for those people who don’t have the time and energy to take care of their pets, as Himalauans are high-maintenance cats.

They shed a bit more in the shedding season.

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