The Ultimate Guide To Choosing The American Longhair Cat Breed

The American Longhair Cat is a pedigreed version of the American domestic cat. It is not a separate cat breed. Though the enthusiasts are encouraging the cat registries to recognize the pedigree as a breed. 

The American Shorthairs are a cross between Persian cats and American Shorthair cats. It was introduced first in the 1960s and gradually gained popularity and interest because of its friendly and easygoing nature. 

The longhaired pedigree is a very good choice for house and family life. The cats are very beautiful for their silky, luxurious, and soft coats. There are so many longhaired and domestic cats in the USA and the American Longhairs are one of them. 

American Longhair cat |

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The origin of the American Longhair cat

Many people make confused about American Longhairs and Domestic Longhairs but they are totally different from each other. Domestic Longhair cats are also not a particular cat breed but they have a clear lineage. 

American Longhairs must have a pedigree that goes back to the American Shorthair breed or Persian breed. But Domestic Longhairs don’t have the liability to be connected to American Shorthairs or Persian cats. 

The origin of the American Longhair cat |

Moving forward, the breeders wanted to infuse the characteristics of Persian cats and get offsprings that have the brilliant Silver coats and Green eyes of the Persian cats. That means, they wanted American Shorthair cats with the coats and eyes of Persian cats. So, they crossbred Persians and American Shorthairs and the result was the pedigree American Longhair cats. 

The result was unexpected. For this reason, the pedigree is yet to get recognized as a separate breed. At the early stage, the Persian cat breeders didn’t expect American Longhair cats. Now, the pedigree has become very popular in North American and Europe. 

Some cat registries have recognized American Longhairs as a breed but large cat associations like CFA and TICA haven’t recognized them as a separate breed. 

The American Longhair Cat special traits

Other names: 


Personality and characteristics: 

Friendly, affectionate, easy-going, sweet, calm, active, playful, intelligent, docile, and inquisitive. 

Body size:

 Medium to large

Body length:

 Up to 17 inches

Body height: 

Up to 14 inches

Body weight: 

Up to 15 Pounds

Friendliness to childrens and other pets: 


Maintenance requirements: 


Vocalizing tendency: 


Life expectancy: 

Up to 17 years



The appearance of the American Shorthair cat


The Body size is medium to large, muscular, well-muscled, powerful, deep, and broad. A pad of fat on the abdomen  is very common in American Shorthair cats. The neck is short and robust. Legs are proportionate to the body and hindlegs are larger than the forelegs with a fleshy appearance. The paws are medium-sized and round with five fingers in the forelegs and 4 fingers in the back legs. 


The head is rounded, big, wide, and well-developed. 


The ears are short and situated at the corner of the head with inside hairs. 


 The eyes are full round, alert, and floating and can be any color. The eye color corresponds to the coat colors. 


The tails are medium, graceful, and proportionate to the body. The tails are feather-shaped and alert. 


The coats of American Longhairs are long, double, and straight. Any color or pattern is excepted except for Tick or Spike patterns.

Temperament and nature of American Longhair cat

American Longhairs are very affectionate, friendly, calm, sweet, independent, adventurous, active, playful, and hunters by nature. They’re more athletic than the Persians and friendlier than the American Shorthairs. 

Though the Longhairs are not as cuddly like it’s Persian ancestors they like to cuddle sometimes it’s an adorable person’s lap. The American Longhair cats are very suitable for adult people and other pets. The pedigree may not be much suitable for toddlers and childrens because they’re aggressive but at the same time, they’re elusive. So, they can avoid the fuss. 

As you know that American Longhair’s ancestors are the American Shorthair breed so they have got the hunting tendency as a gift. So, the small animals in your house like birds, aquarium fishes, and mouses are not safe from them.

The Moggies are a bit independent and adventurous. They love to go outside and hunt. Don’t get surprised if you see dead animals in the yard of your house. The performance is done by your hunter Moggy for sure.

Caring, grooming, exercising, and training for the American Longhair cat 

With a little training, proper feeding, regular grooming, comprehensive veterinary care, and love and attention can make your American Longhair a great addition to your family. 


Introduce the cat to your family gradually, don’t make hurry. It is the best idea to spare a separate for your cat and put food, water dishes, toys, and litter boxes in the room. They will feel secure and comfortable in a new environment. Spend time with the cat and train them how to behave with people, children, and other pets. 

Teach them to use the litter box, respond by their names, listen to commands, and also walk on a leash. Don’t take your Moggy suddenly to the whole family. Let it stay alone for some days then take it to the rest of the people and children later. 

American Longhair cat Grooming

Brush your cat’s coats and teeth regularly. American Shorthairs have soft and long coats that they need regular brushing to avoid matting. Daily grooming with a pin brush is ideal.Check your cat’s body to identify potential problems. Grooming is also a great time to bond with your American Longhairs.

As you groom, check your cats for fleas, lumps, and bumps on the skin. If you get any lumps or bumps and it doesn’t disappear within a few days please call the vet immediately. Fleas should be treated with topical products once a month. 

 You also take care of your cat’s claw. Check the claws while you brush the coats. If they need to be trimmed then do so. Use a scissor-type clipper to trim the nails. Be careful while trimming its nails. There are so many veins around their nails. So, cut the nails very carefully and gently. 

Brush your Moggy’s teeth regularly with special cat toothpaste and toothbrush. Don’t use human toothpaste because human toothpaste contains Floride and this is harmful to swallow. Take a small portion of toothpaste on your finger and rub it gently on your cat’s mouth. Repeat it for ⅔  days and then use the brush just for 1 minute daily. 

Caring, grooming, exercising, and training for the American Longhair cat |

American Longhair cat Caring

 Give your American longhairs love, attention, and their fav toys. They’re mentally live cats and they need a lot of mental stimulation. Figure out what kind of toys your kitty likes and bring those toys home. Remember that toys can’t replace you. So, give time and play with your American Longhair.

Consider a feather toy or laser pointer while you’re playing with your cat. Show your affection to your cat but don’t force affection on your kitty. Make yourself available if your cat is willing to snuggle. Try to give it the best that it deserves.  


Though the American Longhairs keep themselves feet but you should keep at least 15 minutes of exercise sessions with your kitty. Animals playing is their exercise. So, play with your American Longhairs daily. 

Health and problems of the American Longhair cat 

The American Longhairs are not so much prone to health issues. They’re generally healthy and have a sound pedigree. A regular vet check-up after every 6 months can keep them in top-notch condition. Actually the longhairs cats’ main concern is in their grooming and care rather than their health. Take your kitty to the vet for a top to tail check-up.

There are hairball problems that they are prone to as their furs are long. So, keep a good eye on their coats. Keep them vaccinated and update the vaccines from time to time. Vaccination depends on the community you’re living in and your house. The core vaccines are distemper and rabies. Feline Leukemia vaccination may or may not be in your cat’s routine vaccination. 

Spay or neuter your cat to avoid reproductive tract disease and unwanted litters. The cats don’t reach sexual maturity before ¾ months. So, make spay or neuter your one before the time. 

Food and nutrition tips for the American Longhair cat 

Feed your cat a meat-based diet. Cats are carnivorous. They need animal-derived food. They need Amino Acids which are available in meats. Commercial cat foods are manufactured to provide cats with the necessary nutrients. If you look at a cat food bag, you’ll see the ingredients and meat or fish on the top.

Food and nutrition tips for the American Longhair cats |

Quality food is more digestive and keeps your cat healthiest. Feed your American Longhair according to their size, age, and activity level. Always maintain a measurement cup so that your cat isn’t overfed. Cats are prone to frequent feeding with some nibbles throughout the day but overfeeding can cause obesity and Diabetes. 

So, avoiding an excessive amount of feeding and calorie consumption may be harmful. So, ask your vet about the quality and quantity of the diet.Provide your American longhair with plenty of water daily. You can add a fountain or bubble maker to attract your kitty to drink more if it is a poor drinker. Provide wet food or half wet and half dry to avoid dehydration and Kidney disease. 

Some facts about the American Longhair cat

  • American Longhairs came to the USA with the first settlers. After the gap of centuries, in 1960 the Persian cat breed and American Shrothairs crossbred and the Moggies took birth. 
  •  Many cat owners told me that the Longhairs are just like dogs. They greet people at the door and sat beside them. 
  • The pedigree isn’t recognized yet by the leading cat associations. 

The American Longhair cat breeders

Well, there are some cat associations like The Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) and The International Cat Association (TICA) that publish a list of trusted and reputable breeders. You can visit the websites to find a trusted and reputable breeder near you.

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