Discover The American Bobtail Cat Now: A Must-Read Guide!

The golden retriever- the unusual breed of the domestic cat is the American Bobtail cat. The short tails and lynx life made it different from the other short-tailed and tabby-patterned cats. They come in both short and long coats. The breed adopted a genetic mutation that affected its tail size. 

Their stubby bobtails are one-third of other cat breeds’ tails. The genetic mutation resembles the Manx cat’s genetic mutation. But there are no similarities between the American Bobtail and Japanese Bobtail breed. The transformation is dominant in American Bobtails and recessive in Japanese Bobtails. 

The breed originated in the USA in 1960. It was a very sturdy breed. Its’ coats are shaggy rather than dense or fluffy. They have various eye and coat colors with tabby patterns. They look wild but are ideal for single persons and families with children and other pets. And, they can even adjust in unusual places like recreational vehicles (RV), semi-trucks, and sailboats. 

American Bobtail cat |

Table of contents

Breed specialty of the American Bobtail cat

Other names: 

The Golden Retrievers, Therapy cats.


Adaptable, intelligent, friendly, affectionate, sociable, playful, active, and energetic.

Body length:

Up to 30 inches

Body weight: 

Up to 16 pounds

Coat length: 

Both short and long hair

Coat colors: 

Any colors but the breed standard and show eligibility prefer the wild colors. 

Breed specialty of the American Bobtail cat |

Coat patterns: 

Any patterns but the breed standard and show eligibility prefer only wild markings.

Eye color:

Various colors but the most common and excepted colors are Greed, Blue, Yellow, Golden, and Copper. 

Friendliness towards children and other pets: 


Tendency to vocalize: 




Amount of shading: 


Allergenic Tendency: 


Life span: 

Up to 15 years



The American Bobtail kittens

The maturing process of the kittens is very slow and it takes 3 years to reach full size. Always purchase a kitten that has spent 16 weeks with its mother because that time period is very important to learn socialization.

The American Bobtail kittens are friendly with both the 2-legged and 4-legged animals but it will be possible when they are properly trained to be sociable. You may face big problems to socialize it if the kitten is born feral and it is equally true for many pets. They take a long time to become human-friendly. 

Origin of the American Bobtail Cat breed

The official and recognized breeding program were held in 1960 first to breed the American Bobtail. Before that, urban legends say that American Bobtails are the result of crossbreeding between a Domestic Tabby and a Wild Bobcat. Maybe or may not.

However, John and Brenda Sanders went on a vacation in Arizona, USA in 1960. They adopted a bobtail cat. They returned Lowa home with the male Bobtail and allowed him to meet theri female pet Mishi. The result was kittens with bobtails and sweet personalities. 

Origin of the American Bobtail breed |

After this incident, the other breeders got interested in original bobtailed cats with study bodies, wild markings, and sweet dispositions. They followed the Sanders and used selective breeding cats to breed Ameican Bobtails.

The Pedigree cats were never been used in the breeding program of the American Bobtails. So, the gene pool is diverse. At the early stage, a short-tailed Brown male Tabby cat was crossed with a seal-point female Siamese cat. The American Bobtails’ original bloodline is this but the early bloodlines died out.

More About American Bobtail cat Origin

Moving forward, the breed’s original trait was developed to improve a stain on its coat pattern. The stain was actually a wild trait that was favoured by the cat associations and show and championship organizers. The American Bobtails can come in any coat color and pattern but the stain is a must for recognizing and participating in shows and championships. 

The breed achieved its first recognition from the USA- based cat association The International Cat Association (TICA) in 1989 and was fully recognized in 2002. TICA also gave the championship status to the breed. 

The Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) and the American Cat Association (ACFA) also gave the championship status. The longhaired American Bobtail isn’t eligible for championships and shows and they don’t have World Cat Federation (WCF) recognition. 

The appearance of the American Bobtail cat breed 

Body structure: 

As you know that the American Bobtail is a hearty and shirt-tailed cat breed. Their bodies are stocky, rectangular, and moderately long with substantial boning. The breed’s body structure is strong, powerful, heavy, athletic, and muscular. 

The torso is full, broad, and powerful- holding the head strictly. They have medium-sized legs and higher hips. 

Head and face: 

The head is broad and proportionate to the body. Their cheekbones are visible. The eyes are large, floating, alert, and Almond-shaped. The eyes are situated at a wide distance. The nose is big and sits on a well-developed chin. 


The ears are medium in size, broad from the base a situated on the corner of the head. 


As I have mentioned before that they have alert, big, and Almond-shaped. The eye colors are various but the most common and recognized colors are Greed, Blue, Yellow, Golden, and Copper.

Legs and paws: 

Their legs are medium-sized and proportionate to the body. The paws are round and big with strong claws. The longhaired cats have toe tufts. They have five fingers in the forelegs and four legs in the back legs. 

The appearance of the American Bobtail cat breed |


The American Bobtail breed’s most significant trait is its tails. The tails are normally, 1-4 inches. 


The breed comes with both longhairs and shorthairs. 

Long-haired American Bobtails: 

The furs are medium to long and the coat is shaggy. The other traits are the same as the short-haired cats. 

Short-haired American Bobtails: 

The coat is semi-dense and short. The Texture is non-matting, the top coat is hard and the undercoat is soft. 

Length and weight: 

Body length: 

Up to 30 inches

Body weight: 

Up to 16 pounds

Temperament and nature of the American Bobtail breed

Many people are confused about American Bobtails, Japanese Bobtails, and Manx cats. But the 3 breeds are totally different from one another and theri breeding history is also different.

If you have the desire for a large and wild-looking cat but a calm, and quiet nature then the American Bobtail is a perfect choice. The breed is Adaptable, intelligent, friendly, affectionate, sociable, playful, active, and energetic.

They are very sensitive that understand the mood of their owners. They are also very loyal and entertain you in many ways. Besides, they also can adjust and adapt to any situation. If you live alone or with a big family having children and other pets- don’t worry your Bobtail can adjust. They’re also very attached and love their family very well. 

The American Bobtail is very energetic and loves to travel. Many owners take their Bobs in traveling. They are so adaptable that can adjust even in recreational vehicles (RV), semi-trucks, and sailboats. Many psychiatrists use American Bobtails in their treatment process as the cat breed can understand human nature very well. The breed is also recognized as  ‘Therapy cats.’

The American Bobtail cats are also very friendly with childrens, guests, visitors, and other pets. Most of the time they keep quiet and when happy they purr, chirp, and trill. They can stay happily in a noisy environment. The breed is very intelligent. They love to play, walk and have outdoor spaces. They’re also comfortable with leash training. You can take your Bob for a walk with a leash. 

If you have only one kid and want that the kid can get a playing mate to play hide and seek then the American Bobtail is ready to do that. They also remove the depression and tiredness of their families because they know how to entertain. 

Caring, grooming, exercise, and training tips for American Bobtail cat

Coat care: 

The American Bobtails coats are silky and shiny. They need at least 2 times a week but during the Spring season, they shed heavily. In this shedding season, you have to increase the brushing time. The longhaired Bobs need at least 3 times weekly coat brushing and the shorthaired variety needs one-time brushing enough. You can give them a bath after 15 days and clean the dead hair. 

Teeth care: 

Clean teeth are very important for every cat. So, brush your cat’s teeth daily with special cat toothpaste and toothbrush. 

Nail care: 

Nail care depends on the growth of your cat’s nails. If the nails grow very fastly then trim them once a week. 

Eye and ear care:

You should check the ears and eyes of your Bob and clean them with clear and soft cotton. Check their ears to avoid infections and to save them from parasites and mites. 

Litter box cleaning: 

The American Bobs are very sensitive with their litterbox. So, clean the litterbox daily to keep your kitty clean and healthy. 

Caring, grooming, exercise, and training tips for American Bobtail cats |


As you know that American Bobtails are very intelligent so you should provide with them playing toys, brain teasers, and cat trees. The cats love to go outside. So, you can arrange an enclosed area for their playing. Don’t leave them outside alone. They are very comfortable with leash walking. So, you can take them for a walk. 


Well, you don’t need to invest more time to exercise your Bob as they are very docile, self-players and happy cats. Just create opportunities to play. This will be the best exercise. Provide them space to run, cat trees to jump, and food puzzles and teasers for their brain exercise. 


Intelligent and smart cats can catch the training very quickly. But remember, the training sessions should be short and joyful. Train them to respond by calling their names, coming, going, sitting, don’ts and do’s, litter box training, and leash training. 

Get pet insurance: 

Well, you know that having a pet is expensive especially when you are receiving your pet’s treatment. Suppose, your financial conditions are falling and you need to take your pet to the vet. So, if got the pet insurance before then it will be the best for you and your pet. You don’t need to worry about the expenditure of your pet’s treatment.

Living needs of the American Bobtail cat

You need to keep reminding yourself that your American Bob needs some essential things if you want to keep them happy and mentally stimulated: 

  •  An open space for their running and playing in your house. 
  •  Plenty of toys including cat trees and climbing shelves. 
  •  Proper feeding and fresh water.
  • A clean living place. 
  •  To spare some time for the kitty. Maybe it is outside or inside. 
  •  regular grooming and treatment. 

If you’re ready to do this then an American Bobtail is the perfect kitty for you. 

Health and problems of the American Bobtail Car breed

Generally, the American Bobtail is a healthy breed. But they may have a serious problem in theri spinal cord because of their short tails. When you’re purchasing an American Bob, ensure that the breeder issues you a health certificate. If there is a health certificate then you may be assured that your kitty doesn’t have any spinal issues. Besides, American Bobs may have some common feline issues. Such as 

Hip dysplasia: 

This is a lineal disease that causes crippling, lameness, and Arthritis in the hip joint. 


The Rumpies are not a disease, but rather a genetic problem. Some Bobtails are born with no tails. They are called the Rumpies. that kinds of cats are not eligible for breeding programs because of their health problems. 

Polycystic Kidney Disease (PKD): 

This is a condition when so many cysts grow in both of the kidneys and create pains and inflammation to urinate. It may cause the failure of the Kidneys if proper care and treatments aren’t provided.

Hypertrophic Cardio Myopathy (HCM): 

The heart walls thicken and make obstacles to generating and supplying through the whole body. This is one kind of heart disease. 

Viruses and infections:

These are common problems among all cats. If your cat goes outside without supervision and gets in touch with other animals or fights with them or walks on wet soil, then it may get infected by viruses. So, keep your Bob indoors to save them from viruses and infections. 


Well, the Bobs shed a lot during the Spring season. You’ll get flying and spreading furs here and there in your house. So, get ready to face the problem. So, take your American Bobtail to the veterinarian for a regular check-up after every 6 months. 

The lifespan of an American Bobtail cat: 

Generally, an American Bobtail cat lives up to 15 years but if your one is a healthy kitty and you are taking care of it very well then its lifecycle should be extended up to 18 years.

The average weight of an American Bobtail: 

Females are always smaller than males in every species. So, Botails are not different. Males are about 16 Pounds and females are not more than 14 Pounds. 

Food and nutrition tips for the American Bobtail cat

Well, if you provide your Bobtail with homemade food then a diet based on fish, meat, rice, and vegetables will be an ideal food for them. But the commercial wet and dry mixed food is always preferable by the breeders and vets. 

It’s true that all cats are carnivorous. They prefer to eat meat and fish. They also like to drink milk. So, never expect that your cat will eat like humans and dogs. Their choice and needs are different. If you feed them human food then it will cause indignation and obesity. Obesity means diabetes. So, be very much careful when you’re feeding your bobtail. 

Feed them according to their age, size, and activity. Always maintain a measurement cup to feed them. You can consult with the vet and breeder about the feeding amount feeding schedule and measurement. 

The Cat Fancier’s Association-approved (CFA) breed standard of the American Bobtail: 

As you know The Cat Fancier’s Association (CFA) is a worldly accepted cat association. Getting recognition from CFA keeps many senses for any cat breed. CFA determines some standards to recognize and permission to participate in shows and championships for every cat. CFA was established in 1906. 

The eye color standard for the American Bobtail breed: 

All eye colors are acceptable for the Bobtails but there are some very common eye colors that are- Copper, Gold, Yellow, Green, Blue (In bi-colors, colorpoint, or Lynxpoint), and odd-eyes (2 colors in 2 eyes). 

Coat color standard for American Bobtail Cat 

White, Black, Blue, Red, Cream, Chocolate, Lilac, Cinnamon, and Fawn. 

In smoked colors: 

Black Smoke, Blue Smoke, Red Smoke, Chocolate Smoke, Cream Smoke, Tortoiseshell Smoke, and any other genetically or solid or parti-color with the addition of smoke. 

Coat pattern standard for the American Bobtail: 

Tabby patterns: 

Classic Tabby, Mackerel Tabby, Spotted Tabby, Ticked Tabby, Patched Tabby, Silver Tabby, Brown Tabby, Blue Tabby, Red Tabby, Cream Tabby, Chocolate and Chocolate Silver Tabby, LIlac Tabby, Lilac Silver Tabby, Red Silver, Tortoiseshell Tabby, Blue Cream, Chocolate Tortoiseshell, Lilac-Cream Tabby pattern. 

All party color patterns: 

Calico pattern, Dilute Calico pattern, Fawn Cream, Lavender Cream, Lavender Cream pattern. 

Bi-colored patterns: 

Solid, Shaded, Smoke, Tabby, Tortoiseshell, Pointed, Lynx, White, etc. 

And also seal-point patterns. 

Note: if you are keen to know more about the breed standard of the American Bobtail breed, then please check out the website of The Cat Fancier’s Association. 

The bad sides of an American Bobtail cat 

  • The American Bobtails are very prone to obesity. If you keep them indoors without open playing fields, they can get obese. 
  • They need a high-class living place. They need a neat and clean place, a clean litterbox, and fresh water. 
  • The breed is a very good runner and jumper. If you leave them outside without supervision then it is a high chance to lose your kitty. 
  • The Bobs can’t tolerate misbehavior. So, you need to teach your kids and other pets how to behave with this Bob. 
  • They shed a lot and especially in the shedding seasons. So, you need extra cleaning of your house to clean theri flying furs. 
  • Their short tails can make genetic problems in their bodies such as spinal problems and pain in the spinal cord. 
  • Don’t get astonished if you see that your jewelry and other shiny things are missing. Your Bob has hidden it because they love shiny objects and play with them. 

Reasons why an American Bobtail Cat may not be the best for you

There are no doubts that the American Bobtail is a very adorable, lovable, expensive, and also highly adaptable cat breed but for some reason, the breed may not be the best for you: 

  • The cats need to keep themselves busy. So, either you arrange for them to an open playground inside the house or take them outside so that they can run and jump. So, if you don’t have an open place inside the house or you can’t take them outside then an American Bob may not be the best for you. 
  • They shed a lot. So, you need to brush them frequently if you have a longhaired American bob and clean the furs as well. So, if you are not willing to do this, then look for another cat. 
  • They’re very vocal. Their meowing is not for the other animals but rather for their owners. So, if you don’t want that your pet bothers you by meowing, then you shouldn’t get a Bobcat.
  • They need a lot of mental stimulation such as running, jumping, and hunting. So, if you can’t leave your cat outside then look for another indoor cat. 
  • Their short tails can create problems in their health condition. So, you have to make more trips to the vet and this is money and time-consuming. So, if it’s not possible for you then the American Bobtail may not be the best for you. 
  • They feel separation anxiety. They can’t be alone for long periods of time. Some cat breeds can do so well in the absence of their families and owners but the American Bobs are not like that. They want to stay around their families and also hate dirtiness. If they look that their litterbox and water aren’t clear they can’t tolerate that.
  •  The breed is hard to get so have to purchase it at a high rate. So, if you don’t want to do this, look for another low-price and available cat. 

The breed overview of the American Bobtail cat

The American Bobtail is a coveted cat breed among cat lovers. Since it is a natural breed and for their short tails they are very rare as well. 

The breed was seen in 1960 and got the final recognition in 2002. However, the Bobs are highly adaptable. They can adjust even in an unusual situation. They are very friendly, affectionate, intelligent, and can understand human nature and phycology. And, they can live in small, big families, and calm environments.  

Besides, they can be affected by spinal problems because of their short tails. So, study a lot before you have an American Bobtail. They come in both long and short tails and they have a vast range of colors and patterns. 

Having tips for an American Bobtail cat

As you know that the American Bobtail is a rare cat breed so you need to be very cautious when you are going to purchase a kitty from a breeder. Please always do the paperwork before you purchase and search the website of the American Cat Fancier’s Association to get the reputed and trusted breeders. 

Taking the American Bobtails from a rescue center: 

You know very well that rare cat breeds are not available in rescue centers or shelters until a serious problem arrives in their owner’s life. But you can contact them because you don’t know when an American Bob needs a new family and home. 

As you know that American Bobtails are very expensive and if you have them from a rescue or shelter then you don’t have to pay a high price. You can adapt with minimum adoption fees. 

Please check out the websites of Purebred Catbreed Reacue and RescueMe.

Price for American Bobtail cat

As a rare breed the Bobs are expensive. If you purchase from a breeder then it will cost $600-$1200 and if you adopt it then it will cost only $75- $150. 

American Bobtail Cat for sale

Please search the cat associations’ websites to have lists of reputable breeders. Only they can sell a real breed that you have desired. You can check the websites of CFA and TICA (The International Cat Association). 

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